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John Hartson Charity Golf Day set to return

27th March 2023

John Hartson Golf Day 2022

With the start of the Golf season in the UK fast approaching, it means one thing for Walker Groups’ Contract Manager, Jim Murphy – the John Hartson annual charity golf day.

Taking place 31st March at Harburn Golf Club in West Lothian, Jim from Seafield, with the support of volunteers at Seafield Sportsman Charity, his wife, Angela and daughter, Amy Jane, organises a fantastic day with golf, an auction, raffle prizes plus the hole in one competition for a £30,000 car, all to raise funds for a good cause.

Founded in 2013, The John Hartson Foundation was set up by the man himself, former Celtic, Luton, Arsenal, West Ham and Wales Footballer, John Hartson, inspired by his own battle against testicular Cancer. The charity is committed to raise awareness of early symptoms, support those who are affected by the disease and their families with counselling and assist in the provision of medical facilities.

Marking the 4th year of the event, Jim has raised in total over £60,000 for the charity through a number of activities and events, including climbing Ben Nevis. With last year’s golf day raising a record breaking £15,000, Jim is hoping to top that this year. He said:

“The John Hartson Foundation does a great job of raising awareness of testicular Cancer as well as other types of cancer. The money raised at the Hartson Golf day makes a huge difference to the people who rely on their support.

“Working in construction, a typically male dominated industry, this is a charity particularly close to my heart. I’m so grateful for the continued support of home builders, Walker Group and Dawn Homes, part of The Springfield Group, and Harburn Golf Club, the golfers who take part on the day and the generous donations from companies and individuals alike for the raffle – it’s because of them that this day is such a success.

“This year, we’re welcoming our first female golfer on the day, and we hope this will encourage more golfers, regardless of age, ability or gender, to sign up for next year’s event.”

John Hartson said:

“Cancer is the biggest killer in the UK and it’s important we continue to highlight the early signs of the disease so treatment can start earlier, increasing survival chances significantly. 

“Jim and his support for the charity for so many years is absolutely amazing. Like most charities, the work we are able to do relies heavily on the donations we receive – whatever we get in donations, goes right back to the people who need it most.

“The day Jim arranges is brilliant, and the positive impact it has is even better. I’m looking forward to it already.”