Environment & People
Springfield has sustainability at its core. We always strive to do the right thing across our operations, whether it be the design of our developments, our engagement with stakeholders or in the way we look after our customers, employees and subcontractors.
Whilst the phrase ESG is new across many sectors, for Springfield it is all about steps that can be taken to look after the environment and to look after people. With the environment, that can be steps to reduce our carbon footprint or waste, actions that could increase biodiversity and create new green spaces or introduce new innovations within the homes we build to encourage more sustainable behaviour. With people, it is about looking after our customers, our employees and the families that make up our varied communities across the country.
As one of Scotland’s leading home builders, Springfield has the potential to take an influential lead on ESG. As we continue to grow as a Group, it has been important for us to formalise our approach to ESG to bring together all the good practice from across the brands and regions and to challenge ourselves to continue to improve.
In September 2022, we published our first ESG Strategy: Environment and People which sets out our vision and begins to determine our level of ambition on sustainability. Behind the strategy is a more detailed plan on how we will deliver each of the objectives and achieve net zero carbon ahead of 2045. When developing and implementing our ESG strategy, we followed the MSCI ESG framework and the UN Sustainable Development Goals to produce a materiality assessment of our operations and stakeholders. Our strategy sets out the ways in which we will contribute to what the government terms a ‘just transition’.
Each year we publish a comprehensive annual update on our ESG strategy. You can read our latest, and historic ESG updates here:
2024 – ESG Stategy: Environment and People
2023 – ESG Strategy: Environment and People
2022 – ESG Strategy: Environment and People

