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Green fingered pupils bring new lease of life to school garden

31st August 2022

School pupils bring a new lease of life to a garden in Fairlie.

Home builders, Dawn Homes, has worked with local pupils at Fairlie Primary to restore their much-loved school garden.

The pupils at Fairlie Primary school were keen to bring their school garden back to life when they returned to the classroom last year. They set to work clearing the area and even enlisted the help of their parents and reached out to local businesses and groups for funding.

With Dawn Homes selling homes in the area at Regatta View, the developers were more than happy to help the children bring their garden back to life. Community Engagement Coordinator, Megan Black, said: 

“It’s great that the pupils at Fairlie Primary school worked so hard to revitalise their garden and we were eager to help. Working with our subcontractors, Advance Construction, we safely demolished the existing shed, cleared the area and prepared the ground for a new shed to be installed.”

Lauren Mackay, Acting Principal Teacher, said:

“The children were responsible for weeding, building the polytunnel, and planting to name a few. In addition to this, the other classes were involved in planting flowers and produce as part of the Learning for Sustainability grant, we received from the STEM Team at North Ayrshire Council and with funding from Fairlie Cala committee, we’ve purchased new planters.

“Some work was beyond the capability of the class however. We needed a shed to be demolished and an area to be made safe for the erection of a new storage shed.  We contacted Dawn Homes to see if they could help. They did an amazing job creating a wonderful space for our children to enjoy and explore. We would like to thank Dawn Homes and Advance Construction Scotland for their support with this garden project. The children are already utilising the area well and are looking forward to continuing their work.”